Travel Planning – Quick and Easy

travel planning

Travel planning – how to do it quick and easy

Who does not know that? You want to plan a trip and have no idea where to start? Do not worry, because I can totally relate – especially when I’m planning a trip to a country that I haven’t been to. But it’s not a challenge at all, and if you stick to the following tips when it comes to travel planning, you’ll be just fine!

Travel planning made easy


Organising your travel planning

In order not to lose track, I create a new folder on Google Drive for each new trip and collect all the documents and info there. I try to gather all travel data and ideas in a single Sheets document. Even if I don’t go on this trip, I can access it in the future and from anywhere. But of course, the good old notebook is a good supporter when planning your trips.

Wie kam die Viki eigentlich zum Bloggen (5)

Where to go?

The question of questions! If you do not know yet where to go, then let yourself be inspired by a world map, your favourite blogger or Pinterest. Do you want to stay in the area, or do you want to take a longer trip to a different continent?

What’s my budget?

Think about how much money you want to spend on this trip. Roughly calculate how much you want to spend on flights, trains, buses, visas, accommodation, food and activities. Just look at the prices on booking platforms, so you do not completely miscalculate. When you’ve come up with a sum, expect between 20-40% more. This should be the buffer for this trip that you could spend without problems. If you don’t use it, take that money for your next trip.

When do I have time and for how long?

Do you have three weeks in fall, one in summer and another five days in April? Write your free days in the calendar and try to combine the destinations with them.

Often it also helps to create an annual overview and to highlight each trip or time slot immediately.

What type of trip will it be?

Backpacking in Colombia, a dive trip to Mexico or a road trip through Canada?

Researching when planning a trip

Check if the season and weather will be on your side during the time you plan on visiting the destination – will you be able to see what you want during that time of the year?

Do you need a visa, how much does it cost, what documents are required and how long does it take?

Find out what there is to see and experience there. Let yourself be inspired by a travel guide, blogs and Pinterest.

Tatacoa Wüste Kolumbien

Make a rough plan for travel planning

Now create a rough plan in your notebook or using Google Sheet. Google Maps can also be helpful when there are multiple places on your travel plan.

Look at how to get from A to B and then to C (Rome2Rio is a helpful tool),  which accommodation you would like to stay, what kind of activities you can do spontaneously and which you have to arrange in advance, …

It’s time to book things

The time has come! Now, book your flights, accommodation and everything you’d like to have done for your upcoming trip.

Book Flights

Use different flight search engines in incognito mode – I have been using Kayak for years and have always come up with cheapish flights.

Book Accommodation

Be it a hostel bed or a finer boutique hotel – once you know where to go, book your accommodation. Especially during high season, it is sometimes impossible to find anything affordable.

Arrange activities

I always let dive shops and tour operators know that I plan on going with them. They can then tell me about their days and I’ll definitely have my spot.


Travel Insurance

You never know what’s coming, but if it happens it’s too late. Get a travel and international health insurance. Some credit cards have quite good insurance included for free.

For the divers among you: with the DAN insurance trips are also insured. Before you travel, read through the fine print of the conditions of your insurance and save the emergency number in your phone.

Travel Planning – some more words

Whether you start your travel planning with the destination, the time, the budget or the type of trip, it does not matter. But you should clear these four points at the beginning of your trip, then the rest of the planning will be much easier!

Keep on travelling

Ps. Pin me!

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Viktoria Urbanek Travel Blog Chronic Wanderlust

Grüß dich, I'm Viki!

At Chronic Wanderlust, I write about my two great passions: travelling and diving – and have been doing so since 2013.

I usually spend a solid majority of the year travelling to experience extraordinary underwater adventures, taking road trips through countries I don’t know (yet) or exploring my home country of Austria.

As a certified divemaster, passionate underwater & travel photographer, road trip enthusiast and individual traveller, I collect unique moments all over the world.

I don’t believe that severe cases of wanderlust – aka chronic wanderlust – can be cured, only treated. On this blog, I want to show you how this can best be realised.

Curious to get to know me better?